Meditation In a Time of Madness Journal

Meditation In a Time of Madness Journal

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What needs to happen now for you to thrive in uncertain times? Each week, you will have the opportunity to make an appreciative inquiry into one of twelve areas that contribute to a rich, full life. You are invited to share your hopes, dreams, and desires in this diary-style journal. This transformative 12-week journey is designed to cover two major areas:

1. The Twelve Areas of Self-Care: Self-care is often the most important factor in living a healthy life, which in turn allows you to live your life fully in the ways that matter to you. Self-care includes all the choices you make on a daily basis that affect your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Evidence shows that each of these eight areas of self-care contributes a great deal to your overall health and well-being. These areas can also affect your chances of developing disease and the seriousness of that disease.

2. Mindful Awareness: Mindfulness is being fully aware and paying attention. Sometimes, we go through our lives on autopilot. We are not fully aware or present. We often dwell on the past and plan events in the future. We do not spend much time really paying attention and noticing what is happening right now without judging or trying to fix it. Your body and mind send you signals constantly. If your attention is elsewhere, you don’t notice. Then the signals that began as whispers become loud warnings that can result in dis-ease in our mental and physical health, including chronic illnesses like obesity, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), asthma, substance use disorders, depression, anxiety, and even cancers.